Employment Law Expertise, Pragmatic Advice and a Compassionate Approach

Kia ora. I’m Steph Dyhrberg, Employment Barrister.

With over 30 years legal experience, I provide exceptional employment law help tailored to your specific needs. Whether you are an employer or an employee with a workplace problem, I will give you sound advice.

I understand employment issues have a significant impact on people and will guide you through challenging situations with professionalism, empathy, and respect.

Take a moment to explore the services I offer here, or if you’re ready to discuss your specific employment needs, email me at [email protected].

Providing Solutions for Complex Employment Issues

My approach to complex employment issues is pragmatic and people focussed. My goal is not just to resolve conflicts, but where possible, prevent them and promote positive working relationships. I am committed to finding solutions that address your immediate challenges while safeguarding your professional reputation and well-being.

Ensuring Justice in Employment Matters

I act for clients across all sectors: government agencies, public-funded entities, charities and not-for-profits, companies and small-to-medium business, as well as individual employees and contractors. This includes advising on all employment areas and appear in mediation, the Employment Relations Authority, Employment Court, Court of Appeal and Human Rights Review Tribunal.

If you want to engage me to assist with your employment situation, please check out my terms of engagement and client care. You can send me an email at [email protected]

Starting the journey

I am here to provide you with comprehensive legal support for your employment law needs. You can discover the services I offer here.

Call Steph